A Cake in the Woods
"Majestic she sits on her throne, drawing her subjects to her simple delights.
"Feast my beauties, feast on my goodness!
Indulge on the virtue within."
And so a bite is taken, and another, until all that is left in her wake is trail of crumbs
flowing from her empty throne of bounty to the grateful bellies of a sated people..."
"Cake Tales" by The AfroBohoBride
"And 'Rustic Boho' shall be her name..."
@oliviassweetbakes is the masterbaker behind this beauty. Together we pondered on her final look going back and forth between inspiring images as avid tennis spectators during a grand slam match. "3 tiers ?" @oliviassweetbakes asked, "No! No I say! Make her a single tall tier. Her beauty will be more obvious then" I replied with all the drama implied.
It's the simple brief that is most often the most difficult accomplish I think. Why is it you ask? Nothing is masked- all is left out in the open to be seen- and such is the beauty of simplicity: Rustic Boho.
A crown of floral beauty graces her head. "Dahlia! Peony! Come closer my loves", she beckons. "Snow-berry and my Foliage delights, kindly grace me with your presence!" And grace her they do, reclining themselves elegantly on her buttercream robe, they form an intricate fusion of colour and texture created by the Lucy of the eponymous LucyPeers.com
Dahlia weaves her peach magic among Peony's dainty vanilla wings, Snow-berry bursts forth in his sunset hues of strength. Hints of striking green foliage peek through the gathering, akin to mischievous elves frolicking in a magical woodland. Her throne is a juxtaposition of glass and clay, a true reflection of her complexities: fragile like her delicately spun glass seat yet as strong and tempered as the gold burnished clay of her regal throne's feet.
Acorns rest gently on the soft bed of silver ferns, like loyal subjects paying homage to their queen. Their repose belying their valiant defence against all who dare to impose their will on their beloved as she has decreed.
And oh the joy that fills a the heart of she who has been given the great fortune to glory in Rustic Boho's beauty, to feast upon her bounty! The tantalising flavour of a delicate hint of vanilla infused in the soft moist sponge that melts in your mouth, exploding into the rich creamy sweetness that her buttercream robe veils. Within a moment that mouthful is gone, "poof", with wind and you are left with the distant memory of her seductive dance on your tongue and a deep yearning for another taste of her seemingly forbidden delights. So you indulge in her again and yet again as if to test her virtue - is she truly as she appears to be or doth mine eyes deceive me?
Yes, truly, she deceives you not with glamour as the sirens of old,her virtue stands true: she tastes as exquisite as she looks- a testament to the labour of love of the hands that created her.
Thank you @oliviassweetbakes she was well worth the wait.
The AfroBohoBride x//x
Cake:@oliviassweetbakes Photography:@majatsolophotography CakeStyling:LucyPeers SetDesign: @afrobohobride